Friday, September 10, 2010

This year's NaNoNovel...

As you know (at least I think you might), the novel's name is "Eldendor: A Quest for Peace", and it's the sequel to a script I wrote this April... and I know I told you that. Good.
Here's a rather generic description for ya.

16-year-old Almanzo Woods is a shepherd from Eela, a quiet village inside a large forest clearing.
He was found just outside the mayor's house at age twelve and had amnesia, and also a very large wound on his head.
One day, one of the village's sheep goes missing, and Almanzo goes after it, but has an unfortunate encounter with a fire wolf, which burns down several trees, making a perfectly boiling box with him inside it. But then, Eldendor, the forgotten king of Kingdom Eldendor, manages to free him. The two converse briefly, and Almanzo discovers that there is something serious stirring between the Eldorin and Fawnui. Once the fire dies, Eldendor let's Almanzo go, and give him his sheep. Everyone is worried about him, but he has other things on his mind. Not long afterward, Almanzo finds himself in the middle of finding peace among Eldendor and Lefanui and enthroning Eldendor himself once more. But apparently this is a job that one of his ancestors had failed a long time ago. And there is someone standing in the way, waiting for the right opportunity to strike and mess everything up. Someone who existed in Almanzo's ancestor's time. But will Almanzo be defeated like he was? And more importantly... does he, this foolishly defiant young man, follow through?

... WOW! That's really boring! Here, have some details.
Almanzo is an elf with Fawnui blood, thought it doesn't quite show. Fawnui are people from Lefawnui (Lef-AH-noo-EE), and they normally dark brown skin and green hair and eyes. The live in several tribes and live by hunting and protecting one another.
The Fawnui of high north have tails, but others don't.
The Eldorin and Fawnui used to hate each other, and I won't tell you if they still do 'cause you'd jsut have to read my novel, now wouldn't you? POOH! XD
But If you never end up getting it, I'll tell you later, I guess.

So! As the novel progresses, I'll tell you more about it.


This is the list of all the places I've created so far. They're kinda out of order, but I'll put them in categories...

The Isle of Gackle
The Isle of Urd
The Concealed Island (Part of Evagren)

Kingdom Eldendor (More of a country)
Kingdom Sand (Near Eldendor)
Kingdom Geostone (Owned.part by Evagren, between Eldendor and there)
Kingdom Takuna (Part of Evagren, but not exactly owned)
Rutorra (And kingdoms within)
Evagren (Only spring and summer here)
Tanakosk (A place with a deep and long history)
Veinar (An odd place inhabited by mythical and magic creatures only)

Other Large Places (And seas):
Bambora (Shared between Laghathia and Rutorra depending on what side you're on)
The Sinister Rift (Or Raxron's Abyss. A place unexplored by anyone. It's protected by a shroud of strange darkness)
The Dead Sea (A sea that stretches around Fadina, cuts past Western Rutorra and over the Sinister Rift, then cuts off out of sight.
Prakon's Sea (A sea that curves past Evagren and Veinar, and is said to be the territory of the Ancient of All Water)
The Sea of Beginnings (The best place to begin a world travel. It is a sea that is surrounded by countries an other places all around)

... I think that might be it. Want me to get into the places INSIDE each country!? Heheheh. No, I won,t' that'd take too long. No, really.


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