Thursday, February 2, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" + "ELDENDOR: Part One & Two" + Word Of The Day, Writing Tip & Fun Fact

Back again! I'm here with a brief update. Just 4 more scenes in 5 more days until the first edit of "The Dawnwolf" is complete!
I'm looking forward to getting this over with. I'm enjoying the experience, yeah, and the editing isn't THAT bad, but you know... once the book is out there, it'll be a load off my mind. I'm set and determined to give out my best.
After this, I'm going to set my sights on the rest of "ELDENDOR"'s part one. I'll probably do a little bit of editing and then add some more scenes in, then leave it to rest until NaNoWriMo comes. Then, I can do part two!
Writing is inexhaustible for me. I just keep going and going and going from one project to another!
Before/while I'm doing "ELDENDOR: Part One", I'll probably keep working on the third installment in the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The War of the Mask".
You can probably learn more about it by going through my older posts. Should be under "LB:WOM". The first two books are under "LB:RR" and "LB:(T?)LOT".

Here's you Word Of The Day. It happens to be the title of one of my favorite New Age artist (Ryan Stewart)'s first album:

Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, esp. in a difficult situation.

Writing Tip:
I've learned that when you go to edit your novel (first draft), it's a good idea to not only do it by computer, but by hand as well. Your novel looks much different on paper than it does on the computer screen. Print it out (double sided, and if your computer doesn't have that option, you can use the old fashioned way) and then read it like you would a book. Use a highlighter to highlight the mistakes you make and take notes (on note paper). Be sure and include the page number so that you know where to go when you return to edit your manuscript on the computer!

Fun Fact:
My personal choice of writing software is yWriter. It's very organized and has all sorts of special features that keeps together all of your characters, locations, items, chapters, scenes, notes and so much more. Guess what? It's free! (
I also like to use Microsoft Word, the free version that normally comes with your computer. Quite simply, I tend to use it for organizing all of the individual scenes from my yWriter project into one, long manuscript with numbered pages and proper formatting. Apart from that, sometimes I just use it to write random stories or other things, like character profiles or outlines. Microsoft Word is quite commonly used.

(P.S. The new "Character Of The Week" will be announced on Monday!)


  1. Your "additions" are so interesting! It makes it quite exciting to read your blog posts! (Not that it wasn't interesting before though XP)

  2. It's okay, you can say it. XD
    Thanks a lot! I thought it might. I can already see more viewers, now.


  3. Oh, and slightly off topic, but I just noticed you've got both Chinese New Year's Dragon eggs!! It must have been a hard grab...I was lucky to get my blue one! It's great that your story is coming along nicely! Do you plan on taking a break after the first edit is done?

  4. Oh, yes, I did!
    Thanks! I most likely will, after I go over it again to fix some previous errors that I missed. That, or I take my break after the second edit; it depends.


  5. Ah, well good luck! (I'm still in the writing process! :P)

  6. Thanks again. Sometimes the going is slow for other people, especially considering schedules. Keep at it! If you need help, I'm here as usual.

