Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winner of NaNoWriMo 2012!

Would you look at that! I've finished a day early. I did cut back down to 50k as the goal since things got kind of hectic around here, but I still beat my goal with a word count of 50,311.
However, my novel isn't anywhere near finished yet. I still have yet to write an extremely major part of the novel. If I can guess correctly, that might add another 15k or so under the belt. I have to say things went really well for me this year! There were many bumps and blocks in the road, but I managed to move past them on my way to the finish line. I'm still cringing a little at some of the slightly cheesy stuff I threw in there, but that's all right. I won, that's all that matters. I can contend with the rest later. I'll make that my New Year's resolution like I did this year. Another resolution would be to ask a bunch of people to help me edit and/or review this novel instead of me doing it all by myself. I've learned my lesson.

So, how is NaNoWriMo going for you? Whether you're extremely behind, just wrapping it up, or you've already won, I wish you the best! It's a huge challenge and a mad scramble when you happen to be behind, but no worries. You can do it. Even if you don't win, you're no loser. You made the effort, and you're sure to have an even better strategy next year! I can help you with that, too. All you need to do is ask.

Word of the Day
Get the better of (someone) by cheating or deception.

Weird word.


(P.S. Wondering about The Dawnwolf Second Edition? It's on the way. I've been waiting on a reviewer for a while, but once she's done, I'll finish the corrections and send it out. At the very latest, it should be out by the New Year!)

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