Saturday, March 10, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit + Word Of The Day & Writing Tip

Once again, you must excuse my tardiness; I began the second edit of "The Dawnwolf" at the start of this month, though I was somewhat delayed by a week due to some unexpected symptoms... But! I'm fine now. It wasn't anything serious.
Moving right along, I've made excellent progress in this second edit! I may have only just worked through chapter one so far, but I accumulated around 2,000 words after adding and removing scenes!
Back in November, when I had met my word count goal, it was only 50,004 words. However, after the first edit and during this second one, it reached 56,497 (which reminds me; I should edit that word count box on the side bar there).
Thirteen chapters still remain before the second edit is complete, but I still have time to get it all done before the end of June. I've already proceeded to chapter two, and I do believe I'm about halfway done. I might even be finished with it today.
I personally thought the second edit was going to be the biggest pain in the behind I had ever experienced, but since I'm adding in newly-written scenes, it's actually a lot more fun.
 But, man, am I looking forward to getting this project finished...
 Here's your Word Of The Day:

Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen / Of or relating to perception or understanding.

Writing Tip:
Do you have a great novel idea with plot, characters, goal, conflict and everything, with the exception of a title? Trust me, I know the feeling, and it happens to a lot of people.
My suggestions is that you stop once in a while to give yourself a good few moments to sit and mull it over. Type or write down all the possible names that may come to mind. Even just a single word can title your novel, but creativity and imagination is still required. One the main things about titling your novel is that it's got to grab the reader's attention.
So, here's another suggestion: Think about the centerpiece of the story. Is it a character, a place, a business, etc.? Notice how my current novel is called "The Dawnwolf". While Albira the Dawnwolf is not the main character, she's one of the most important ones, and the center point of the story.
The possibilities are endless, so despair not! See what you can do with this tip.


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