Friday, August 12, 2011

Lirin Bahonan: Legends of Tanakosk

I was thinking the other day; what's the purpose of waiting on my novel and doing nothing while I wait for the opportunity to tackle it an edit/revise it? I realized I had already developed my NaNoWriMo novel quite well (it's still lacking in some details, though), and there was nothing I could really do for some time. I was stumped, to say the least!
So, what am I doing right now? Nothing, until recently, when a couple of days ago, I started writing "Lirin Bahonan: Legends of Tanakosk" (A.K.A. "LB:LT") anyway! Why should I sit around and do nothing when I could easily just WRITE the second novel while I waited on the first?! There aren't any rules that say I can't, right?
So, yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. This novel has an odd and twisted-up plot, involving warped time, time travel, five royal wolves, a lot of confusion and mystery, a very layered storyline, and lastly, a flighty spirit. I mean that quite literally; Lord Shadowfang's spirit is flying around from time period to time period, and he's possessing people and animals alike while at it! Yeah, it's a little creepy, all right. He's a slippery, spectral rat!

I haven't gotten very far at all; it's only about 4,187 words. I've introduced two new characters, which I will post about later.


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