Friday, October 1, 2010

I'm fired up!

NaNoWriMo is only a month away, and I'm nearly prepared!
I'm happy that I helped with a problem in re-launching the site... I asked the one of the new people in charge if they could fix the thing where is says "Years You've Done (and Won) NaNoWriMo", since it only went up to 2008...
He said they must have overlooked it, thanked me, and he fixed it right away! Yay! :D
I know a lot of you NaNoers have been wanting that fixed for awhile...
Suuuure, it's not THAT important, but I'm still happy I helped!

So, yes, I need to go to the library soon and look up some History books, like I said, but I also need help with something else...
Are Chinese beds or cots called anything in particular? Or are they just called beds and cots? Is a different word for them required?
As you can clearly see, I'm not used writing about things that happened on Earth...
Hoo, my.



  1. New Characters in "Feng Song"!
    Liang Wu, Feng's friend, and Ming Song, Feng's sister.

  2. Oh, i think I'll love the character Liang Wu ;)
    and again, a bit late, but people then, in the summer, when its very hot, they sleep like on bamboo mats...they are actually quite cool and aren't hard at all!

  3. LOL! Liang Wu is kind of grumpy and rash, but he's a cool dude.

    I don't remember what season it was in the story... I do believe it was spring.

