Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sorting things out.

Well, I've got a low of things piling up...
Which should I write first? Bamboran Rains? The Dawnwolf? Feng Song, or the Lirin Bahonan series?
All in all, that's eight novels total... but wait! What about that Eldendor one? A Quest for Peace... and the Duskwolf, too.
Arrgh. These are novels I truly do want to write...
I think I'll do it in this order:
Feng Song in November
Bamboran Rains after November
The Dawnwolf after Bamboran Rains
Lirin Bahonan series after that, or in between, now and then.
And then the Eldendor one after that, and after THAT, The Duskwolf.
That's ten... freaking... novels...
Oh, well. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. I'll just take it one step at a time. Normally, I would write the ones that have the most development, but then I might forget the other ideas!
With NaNoWriMo this November, I think it will work out great.

No, wait! I have an epic idea! I'll set a deadline to finish The Dawnwolf  in two months!
Like I said in an earlier post, Bamboran Rains will be finished OR published in Spring or so...

Well, I'm just ranting here. Thanks for hearing me out.


  1. I'm really excited for all of those, especially Lirin Bahonan and Bamboran Rains.

    What about Brother Galwrtyn, though?


  2. Oh... OH! Right ,that will be after all of that; it has very little development, therefore I'm not very interested in writing it at the moment. XD But thanks for reminding me!
