Saturday, January 15, 2011

What's New...

I have really slacked off, haven't I! To be honest, I haven't really been doing anything lately. Writing-wise, rather.
I'm thinking I should get back to Eldendor: The Rise of Dagria as soon as possible. Speaking of which, I still need to upload the pictures of the characters, which I will do sooner or later. Likely today or tomorrow, or the day after, or maybe the day after that, or perhaps it will have to wait until next week, or next month, or next year, or even the next decade, or the next century, or--
Okay, okay, I'll stop! I will get them done soon. I already have a picture of Gardavi the Gardia and Almanzo in his lion form with Maru. The following pictures are going to need to make it:
(Human) Almanzo
Eldendor Himself
Princess Avalon
Lord Dagria

And these one are secondary:
Brong the Firewolf
Heather (Who's-Last-Name-I-Have-Forgotten)
Lukas (Who's-Last-Name-I-Have-Forgotten-Also)
Makulo (Fawnui)
Sei-La (Fawnui)
Akardoh (Fawnui Chief)
King Ganthus III

...Aaaand I think that's it. From now on, I plan to draw all of the main characters from every major novel of mine, and maybe some side ones, too. Like, for an example, once I get back to rewriting Lirin Bahonan (AGAIN), I will draw all of them. Whee!

Also, guess what? There's likely going to be the sequel to Eldendor: The Rise of Dagria, because it would make sense to, and the story is rather extensive anyway. Why not make readers mad by putting a cliffhanger and making them wait until the new novel? Heheh! That kind of thing drives me up the wall, but I like doing it anyway.

Smell ya later!

1 comment:

  1. And Princess Avalon has a last name, now. It's "Daylington".

