Saturday, June 30, 2012

Writer's Paranoia

Have you gotten your copy of my novel? Amazon seems to be working pretty quick.
If "The Dawnwolf" has any mistakes in its pages I am going to be very, very annoyed. I scoured the manuscript page for page and it had better be error-bug free! I am certain I squashed them all... but one can't help but get a tad paranoid at times. I've had all kinds of writer's paranoia since the moment after I officially published that little booger and kicked it out the door.
Even so I'm certain I did a good job. I'm seeing new flaws in it now, but every novel has its flaws. I kind of wish I saw them earlier so I could fix them, but for all I know, you might not even notice. I did my best!
We as the creators of art have a tendency to see more flaws than those outside of us who are viewing it. Critics, however, see a million more! You have the honor of criticizing my work, but probably most of what you say, if true, I probably already know or just found out. But it happens!
I'm kicking my writer's paranoia out the door and I just hope you all enjoy my personal masterpiece, my debut novel, and all of it's great gloriousness... you know, all of that good junk. :)
Look forward to further novels from me. After all, I still have the "Lirin Bahonan" series to work on, the development of "Noctivagous", and so many others.
Currently I've been writing a novella, the new "Midori Ookami", about Midori, a green wolf who was abandoned as a cub and went to live and grow up in a village by himself, but when he meets Tayou, an exiled princess of fairies, who tells him there is trouble in the land, he realized he must step out of his comfort zone and leave the village, which is all he's ever known, to investigate matters.

Just for kicks. I don't know what I'll do with it after it's done, but it'd pretty fun to write, anyway.
That said, I finally present to you another word of the day!

Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.


1 comment:

  1. You won a bloggers award! :D Click here for more details:
