Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey, been awhile!

It's been quite a while since I last posted... the reason? There's nothing really new going on... but why am I posting now? Because that was before, and I have something to say now.

I might not seem like it, but I admit I'm pretty good at helping people with their novels. Editing, tips, critique, etc.
I've been assisting this person with their novel for some time now.
We both want to make the story better, so I've been critiquing and pointing out things and making suggestions as we go along, while still encouraging them at the same time so they don't think their novel is awful or anything like that, because, personally, I did like it, although it was only the first draft!
Now, after sorting out a too-many-characters problem, we're sorting out a new one; how to make the novel more suspenseful. I've given them some basic ideas, but I'm mulling it over still to find more. I also scan the internet for good articles, too.
So, what about you? Need help? I'm not a complete expert, but here are some things you'll expect, but some of them require me seeing the manuscript:
Tips (for pretty much anything)
Point-outs and suggestions
POLITE critique
Editing help
Revision help
Character development
And likely more!
I'll also help you get "unstuck" from "writers block", and I can encourage you (how)to keep moving on.
Feel free to comment here if you need help, or contact me a maryw.hills@yahoo.com. I may not be official, but I can be of some assistance, I'm sure, and I'm perfectly willing!
So, ask me anytime, and let me know if you have a deadline, too.


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