Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Deeper Look (Almanzo Woods)

I will be posting "Deeper Looks" throughout this novel (E:TRD) now and then.
First, we will take a deeper look at the protagonist of the story, Almanzo Woods. Starting with the basics, he's a sixteen-year-old Fawnui-elf with a big attitude, and tends not to care about anything at all but himself.
About 20,000+ words into the novel, Almanzo says something that explains some of his personality, after an ex-Rutorran prison guard helps him escape, and dies in the process. Eldendor himself, who ends up rescuing Almanzo in the end, asks him why he's doesn't seem to care, and here's what Almanzo says:
"That's just how I work, Eldendor. What's passed is past. I don't lament over things that are already over..."
How unusual. It's sad to say, but plenty of people have past regrets that they can't help but feel at least a little sad about, at least.
But like Almanzo said, it's just how he works.
However, Almanzo isn't always uncaring, rude, and cold. After Maru is captured, Almanzo seeks her, but then he fails to find her since he is outwitted, much to his disgust, and sent over the edge of a tower, and that's where Eldendor saves him.
And now, Almanzo very, very much wants to go rescue her. But he isn't exactly sure why... she never really seemed to show and kind of kindness toward him whatsoever, and yet...
He was quite determined to rescue her.
So, no matter how terrible or just plain rude a person is, there's always some good within them.
Another note!
Almanzo seems powerful and fearless, but he's actually horribly afraid of trains. When he has to steal a train from the Rutorrans and drive it without any kind of experience, it's awful.
But come to think of it, Maru was there beside him, trying to calm him when he became a little panicked, right there to the end where the train nearly crashes into another that's on the wrong side of the tracks, and that's where Almanzo falls into a dead faint.
That's just how afraid of trains he is.

So, that's all on a Deeper Look on Almanzo Woods for now. It wasn't much, but there will be more.
Until next time!

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