Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Dawnwolf (Second Edition) Now Available!

The publishing process wrapped up sometime this morning and now The Dawnwolf is available in the usual locations, which you can find, along with a few other links, on the right-hand sidebar. I swapped the first edition with the second edition, don't worry, but the first edition is still available. They're the same price, $11.99.
I'll be releasing it on Kindle soon once I finish setting up my account info later on, and then extend the distribution to bookstores and libraries. Now, here's the thing; it won't just pop up into the store overnight, or even in a week. It has to be requested, I do believe. Not sure how that's done, but if you do, I'll let you know when I extend the distribution, and I'm sure you could request it. That, or I'd much appreciate it if you'd help me figure out how to do it myself if I can! I'm a noob writer. Enough experience in writing, but not in publication, promotion, and the understand, right? Good! Thanks muchly!

Here, I'll give you the links here anyway:


Copyrighted Content. All Rights Reserved.

*UPDATE: The Dawnwolf is now available on Kindle, too!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Good Tidings!

Merry Christmas, by the way, or Happy Holidays. Whichever thou dost prefer.
I come with good news after my month-long absence! The good news is that I haven't been slacking all this time! But no, really, even better...wait for it...wait for it...drumroll, anyone? No? Okay, fine.
All right, the time is here. The second edition of The Dawnwolf is complete! Yes, my dear friend, it is 100% done, corrected, and ready to hit bookstores, libraries, and e-stores! That will take a little time, but I'll spam you with links once it happens.
I'm so stoked and excited! This has been made possible all thanks to three brilliant ladies by the names of E. G. Windsor, Victoria Grace, and Teddy Ashcraft. In honor of their epic, typo-smashing, grammatical-error-burning, time-consuming feats at the keyboard in spite of busy schedules, I hereby add them to my list of loyal contributors and bellow my loudest and giddiest thanks! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Words can't express my gratitude. Actions might. I'd hug and squeeeeeeeeze you all if I could.
As I write this, I'm getting ready to publish it. Since I have to go attend to that business, I don't have time to say anything else, so I will get back with you later!
Thanks for your continued support, everyone! I didn't forget about you!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winner of NaNoWriMo 2012!

Would you look at that! I've finished a day early. I did cut back down to 50k as the goal since things got kind of hectic around here, but I still beat my goal with a word count of 50,311.
However, my novel isn't anywhere near finished yet. I still have yet to write an extremely major part of the novel. If I can guess correctly, that might add another 15k or so under the belt. I have to say things went really well for me this year! There were many bumps and blocks in the road, but I managed to move past them on my way to the finish line. I'm still cringing a little at some of the slightly cheesy stuff I threw in there, but that's all right. I won, that's all that matters. I can contend with the rest later. I'll make that my New Year's resolution like I did this year. Another resolution would be to ask a bunch of people to help me edit and/or review this novel instead of me doing it all by myself. I've learned my lesson.

So, how is NaNoWriMo going for you? Whether you're extremely behind, just wrapping it up, or you've already won, I wish you the best! It's a huge challenge and a mad scramble when you happen to be behind, but no worries. You can do it. Even if you don't win, you're no loser. You made the effort, and you're sure to have an even better strategy next year! I can help you with that, too. All you need to do is ask.

Word of the Day
Get the better of (someone) by cheating or deception.

Weird word.


(P.S. Wondering about The Dawnwolf Second Edition? It's on the way. I've been waiting on a reviewer for a while, but once she's done, I'll finish the corrections and send it out. At the very latest, it should be out by the New Year!)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

30 Covers 30 Days - Winner of Day 20

Me again. Two posts in the same day. Well technically this should have been posted 2 days ago, and technically it's day 22 of 30 Covers 30 Days, but I didn't know I had won the cover until today, when a fellow NaNoer PMed me congratulating me.
Thank you, fellow NaNoer!I wouldn't have wanted to be the last to know!
By the way, for those of you who don't know, 30 Covers 30 Days is an event that runs through the NaNoWriMo challenge. 30 lucky Wrimos are picked to have their novel covers created by a professional. Each day, the winner is picked and the cover is posted. I won day 20! Out of millions of users out there, I was one of 30 who got picked. Wow, what an honor, really!

Here's the link to the one that was created for me:

The picture of Jesus is a lovely, traditional looking painting (not at all fitting to my time period), yet kind of blurry, and the border and cover font look like they were done on Microsoft Paint.
Okay...but let me get this straight. I'm not gonna say I don't appreciate that someone actually considered my novel, and many actually loved my synopsis (which as you'll see is slightly outdated because I've since altered the story, that's my bad!), it's just that even though I could very well create a cover myself, I was hoping to see someone do better than I could.
This cover might be just fine if you were reading about Catholic history, perhaps, but if you've been following me long enough, you probably know that my novel is not about that. If you read all the comments on the post I just linked to, that will sum up the gist of it; Axle is not Christ, but a follower of Christ. Christ is the heart of the novel, but not in an up-in-your-face kind of way like the cover suggests.
When you read the synopsis, you see there's a group of young rockstars in a modern world living the dream. Then you add the bassist in, who unexpectedly changes all of their lives. That's FireHeart, summed up in a rather un-profound way, but still. This cover hardly reflects that.
To put it very simply, I just don't think this would attract many people in the bookstore. I would also move on to the next book if I saw this, and I probably wouldn't even bother to look at the back.
I know, the designer and I didn't actually meet face-to-face to create this cover, but I'm a little startled at the lack of imagination here. I'm not saying Jennifer Morla has a lacking imagination though--she probably has a reason for this. Maybe she did like it, but if not, I'd imagine maybe her schedule was too cramped, maybe she was out of time, or perhaps she wasn't really familiar with this idea and wasn't 100% sure what to do with it. I'm little puzzled, but I suppose this is just how the world works sometimes. I really do appreciate that I got picked. I'm not complaining here. Believe me, I'm actually quite ecstatic! This is better than not getting picked at all. I'm happy I took this opportunity, and thankful that someone took the time to do this, whether they wanted to or not. I do hope I don't sound overly critical, I just felt like I needed to get my point across.

With that, I'm out! Thanks for your support, by the way--that's another thing I'm thankful for on this day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you ran out of Halloween candy, good luck with making the pumpkin pie last longer. I have a family to keep me in line...cough...I mean share it with.
I have loads of things to be thankful for today, and even every other day. Too many things to list, but from the writer's perspective, I'd say I'm most thankful, pumpkin pie. Sorry, that's all I can seem to think about today!
Happy Thanksgiving, NaNoers! If its the 22nd, that means we only have a little over a week left of the challenge! I need to get 24-23k done. But it's entirely possible. I'm at 36,729 at this very moment. I'm supposed to hit 38,936 today.Yes...I'm the writer who almost never sleeps. Figuratively speaking.
So guess what! I've made some major changes to my novel. Axle is now the bassist, since he claims to know how to play bass guitar as well. He does the job well, but as Sonja says, "the fact that he's also a background vocalist and my assistant songwriter makes him less disposable than most bassists." Ouch.
He's still skilled at guitar, but I remembered Sonja needed a bassist more than a third guitarist, since she plays guitar herself for some songs. Alongside that, some of their ages have changed, but not much.
You probably already peeked ahead, but I whipped up the cover image for my novel just the other day. Have another look!

Copyrighted Content. All rights reserved.

I have to admit it's quite lovely. I'll make a few more changes to it before the project is published (which will probably be sometime in the middle of next year) but I like it right now. Almost looks exactly like what I had in mind!

Here's the link to my novel's Facebook page. And by the way, let me know if I need to get a Twitter, if that's more convenient for all of you viewers:

My encouragement today thankful for every word you write, because each is closer to the last. Not saying you'll die before it's done. Please don't. I'm saying you're gonna finish if you push yourself! I know this from doing it 4 years in a row, and longer with projects outside of NaNoWriMo.

I have one last thing to say. Guys really like pumpkin pie. This is not relationship advice, it's a scientific fact, with a few exceptions.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

FireHeart - Characters

Well into the second week of the NaNoWriMo challenge, how are your writings going? Are you in a scramble to achieve your daily word count? Did you slam into the ominous tower of Writer's Block? Are you bored with your plot? Characters? Or is everything just about hunky-dory?
Sometimes it's the simple things that you overlooked that cause the biggest problems. Whatever the issue is, allow me to tell you that, with this being my fourth year of NaNoWriMo, and having 7 years of writing experience, I am well able to assist you in whatever stands in your way. Don't be shy, just ask. They may call me Wolf, but I don't bite, promise!
Oh, me? My project's going great. 25k written as of yesterday, and I'm about to hit the novel again after this post. The plot is extremely dull in places, I noticed, but that'll patch up later. Right now the suspense is killing me. I'm itching to get a breakthrough. I think Axle Garrett is, too.
Speaking of the guy, as promised, let me whip up some character descriptions for you to read:

Sonja Leoni: The protagonist and lead singer/songwriter of the band FireHeart. She has long, curly, medium-brown hair, light, hazel eyes, and somewhat bony features. She's also half-Italian. 
While she carries herself with bold confidence and pride, Sonja is skilled at hiding her feelings and past, and her heart's under a lock and key. She strides headstrong through the day, show after show, wearing a plastic smile and a sassy attitude, but all the while is afraid that someone will know what's underneath it all.

Axle Garrett: The deuteragonist and backup singer/songwriter and skilled secondary guitarist of FireHeart. He has mid-neck-length, straight, dirty-blonde-colored hair, light brown eyes, a slightly large jaw and a lightly dimpled chin. He's just a regular white guy with a deep voice influenced by a tinge of a Texas accent.
Axle is down-to-earth, yet quirky and humorous at the same time. In ways, he's the opposite of Sonja, and has a humble and compassionate heart, willing to open up to anyone who will let him. He is quite interested in unlocking Sonja's heart, despite the complications that often stand in his way. He is also protective of not only her, but the rest band, all of whom he perceives as brothers.

Jared Augustine: The antagonist and lead guitarist of the band. He has short, trimmed black hair that sticks up somewhat in the front, light blue eyes, and angular facial features.
Once thing you'll notice right away about Jared is that he's very possessive of Sonja. He's also very competitive of everything, and a little like her, prideful and cocky. He is one to shoot blunt or snide comments in conversation or upon observation of something. Most of the time he ignores Axle, despite his increasing feelings of envy and resentment toward the young man, but even though he almost always speaks (or, rather, blurts) what's on his mind, sometimes it's very difficult to tell what he's really thinking...

Dustin Garcia: An important supporting character. He's the drummer and the backbone of the band. He has long, about shoulder-length brown, somewhat shaggy hair that hangs in his face most of the time. His eyes, whenever you can see them, are brown also. He has sharp features, a strong, sturdy build, and he's half-Hispanic.
Dustin is very quiet and reserved, but also highly observant and intelligent. While he comes off as grumpy and unfriendly most of the time and hardly speaks unless spoken to, after moving past the stage of brief responses, you will eventually find that he is quite open to friendship and can be surprisingly supportive. He and Axle hit it off pretty early on, and the two of them are working together to unlock Sonja's mysterious secrets--for the sake of her own safety. When in trouble, Dustin is always there for any of his band mates, especially Axle, to talk to. But most of all, Dustin is a good listener. He always listens.

And there you have it--the main characters of FireHeart. There's a lot of conflict between them, you may notice!

Word of the Day

1. Miscellaneous articles, esp. the equipment needed for a particular activity.
2. Trappings associated with a particular institution or activity that are regarded as superfluous.

Writing Tip:
If your plot seems dry, there's always a solution. Whether it doesn't have enough development or you're only focusing on the plot itself, some things that always make a novel more interesting for both the writer and the reader are subplots, backstory, and plot twists. A subplot could be a character's personal problem, which they hope to resolve during or at the end of the novel. Or just something else that's happening in the midst of the plot. You can focus on the subplot at any given time, like between intervals of major events in the plot. It helps things to seem less rushed as well.
Backstory gives a lot of realism and depth to the novel and especially the characters. Everyone has a past...and maybe some secrets to be unfolded. Both backstories and subplots could result in a shocking discovery of the character, plot, or a new direction to the plot--a plot twist!
If you're at your wits end of the novel right now, make something sudden and unexpected happen that will throw your novel into an exciting direction. Sudden doesn't necessarily mean random, like a unicorn with a cotton candy mane appearing in the sky, but whatever it is, if its relevant to the story, it should really save your novel's hide!

Encouragement: Remember, this is only the first draft! The Dawnwolf was pretty bad once I finished it last year, but after editing and revision AFTER the challenge, it cleared up. Also, get help from friends, family, and just generally honest people for editing.

Peace, and happy NaNoing!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

FireHeart - Pride Meets Humility (NaNoWriMo 2012)

So it begins! Are you ready? It's okay, you have all month, but that excuse can only last for so long.
Throughout the month, I'll be posting encouragement and tips for all you guys marching into the battle with me.
First one: I salute you. You took the first step. Keep going and don't stop. That's not a suggestion, it's an order, private!

You were probably wondering what exactly I'm doing this year, even if I did post something about changing my mind, but who's to say I didn't change my mind again?
Well, me. I didn't change my mind! I'm writing an inspirational novel, and something totally different from not only The Dawnwolf, but everything else I've ever written. And I'm excited. Here's the summary!

Meet Sonja Leoni, the 21-year-old lead singer of a rock-pop band called FireHeart at the top of the billboards. Her life with the band
is everything you’d expect from the excitement of mainstream fame; the fans, the paparazzi, and that one irksome band member, namely, Jared Augustine, who makes it quite clear he has a thing for her.
But when she stumbles upon writer’s block for the next album, an unexpected offer of help is extended from a simple guitar-wielding individual she had bumped into a couple months before. This young man, Axle Garrett, an open-minded follower of Christ with a heart of integrity, proves his worth in the position of a secondary guitarist and backup songwriter, despite their drastic differences. But Sonja’s decision to permit Axle assistance, forget flipping her world around—it downright takes her from it as she is tossed into a life-changing experience that she never knew she’d face. What’s worse; hatred rises as Jared grows increasingly envious of Axle.

You may have seen me state it before, but I think there's something for everyone here in this novel. The genre is Christian Contemporary Fiction, or otherwise inspirational, as I just said. But don't get me wrong...I'm not attempting to force my beliefs upon you. Not at all. Certainly, it is my hope that if you should read this after I publish it, that it may spark some curiosity, but its your choice whether to pursue it or not. Just enjoy the story! I will not get into arguments with you either. If you have questions regarding this subject, however, feel free to ask them, publicly or privately--your choice.

This novel is named after the starring band, FireHeart, and it's an entirely original story, inspired by the people around me, all of whom are highly influential in my life. Naming no names, of course, but you and I both know that many characters gain traits from people we know, or even ourselves. Better not to make the character like you, but hey, sometimes it happens.
This novel is not full of preaching and condemnation toward nonbelievers. In fact, I'm certain the novel will show that nonbelievers are still loved. The theme of this novel is when humility confronts pride, in both Christians and nonbelievers, and finds a way to replace the prideful nature with one of humility. The pseudo-subtitle of FireHeart is Pride Meets Humility. Sometimes humble people just don't understand prideful people. Well, sometimes prideful people just don't understand humble people either! As Axle Garrett is thrown into a mix of different kinds of pride among each member of this mainstream rock-pop band, in his curiosity, he realizes that these people are not so very different from him, and they certainly don't really have it all together like they seem to. He ventures deeper into their hearts to unveil their hidden secrets. All the while, Sonja discreetly seeks to figure out just how and where the puzzle pieces of Axle's heart fit together. One big life lesson learned by all, but how does it turn out in the end?
This novel is not a fluffy ponyride. I'm gonna get as gritty as I feel is right without appearing to glorify something I don't mean to.
Alcohol, drugs, obsession, pain, jealousy, hatred... In this story, stuff gets real--and fast.

I really felt led to write this, just like with The Dawnwolf. The plot developed swiftly and beautifully, just like the characters. When a novel idea blooms this fast, it's a keeper!  If you're having trouble with your novel, maybe it needs marinating time, or, maybe an epiphany is just around the corner.
Sometime this week, I'll post the four main characters and their descriptions, like I did last year. Until then, happy writing!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012!

When the clock strikes midnight, it begins, NaNoers. Are you ready? Are you staying up to face the challenge head-on--your dramatic destiny?
Okay, enough of that. Who's psyched? I know I am! I'm getting ready to launch it off with style tonight with another fellow writing BFF.
I'm doing 60k again this year, and I'm determined to make this one even more successful than The Dawnwolf was--and I pray, a thousand times better than Feng Song, my last 60k project...
The Dawnwolf ended up being nearly 60k after I finished the revision. Like, just a few hundred words short. Then if I compare it to Feng Song, I am reminded that quality really does beat the pants off of quantity. 
Just remember that you're writing the first draft, not the final edit. "Take your sticky fingers away from the backspace button," says the hypocritical Wolf.
Right. My excuse? I just want it to be a little less work come editing shouldn't always do what Wolf does, homies.

Well, whether you're kicking it off at midnight or not, I wish you the best! T-minus 10 hours and're about to plunge into a great big challenge.
If you're a first timer or if you need help, drop a comment or shoot me an email at

Go get 'em!

Monday, September 24, 2012

NaNoWriMo Project Confirmed!

So! I was brainstorming between intervals of sleep the other night and I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'll most likely be writing the new novel idea I had mentioned in my last post for NaNoWriMo. I'm short on time, the idea is more developed than Noctivagous, and there's only a few things I need to change. Noctivagous needs some marinating time. This, however, came together easily, and faster than I thought.
Also, I'll most likely changing the name of the book (it had a name earlier if you didn't notice) as well as the band itself. It was one of those moments where you slap together a name for something temporarily and find out later that you either don't like it, it doesn't fit the storyline, or simply doesn't make sense, you know what I mean? Same for Noctivagous, though. I like it, it makes sense, it sticks, but it might be unmemorable to others or a mouthful. Darn!
Anyway, yes, even though I'm 10k words into this new project, I'll set my word count to 60,000 or something and do it the fair way.
I have quite a bit of work to do, but I'm confident that it will get done before the end of October. The second edition of The Dawnwolf is complete and I'm currently having it reviewed by a couple of people. I keep pushing it back, but I know now for certain that it will be released at the beginning of next month.

Oh, the busy excitement of being a hardcore writer!

Word Of The Day
1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.
Also, the first edition of The Dawnwolf has dropped to $11.99. The right-hand sidebar will have the links.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Novel!

Hey, folks! Glad to be back. Things sure have gotten hectic since The Dawnwolf got published. Some quick news on that; the Second Edition is just about ready to go! Oh, and here's a cool little bonus; I added a special chapter at the end of this edition called "Behind The Scenes". As the name suggests, I go behind the story of The Dawnwolf's development. It's pretty thrilling, wouldn't you say? If you already have the book, don't worry; I might post it here later, or you can email me if you'd like to read it. It's not something I wish to wave in your face to leave you wondering.

On top of that I've been brainstorming over this year's NaNoWriMo project, Noctivagous. There are quite a few holes that displease me greatly, and I only have about a month and a half to complete it...but wait, wow! Where did the year go? It seems like just yesterday that I was writing The Dawnwolf!
At any rate, I hope to have some sort of epiphany that will help me with the outline and filling the plot holes.

But that's not it! Lately I've been working on yet another novel. It's completely and totally different from anything I've ever written before. Why? Because it's set in modern-day earth! Whoa, yes, Wolf just said earth!
I could blab all day long about it, but I've learned not to reveal too many spoilers, so here's the summary:

Meet Sonja Leoni, the 21-year-old lead singer of a rock-pop band called FireHeart VII at the top of the billboards. Her life with the band is everything you’d expect from the excitement of mainstream fame; the fans, the paparazzi, and that one irksome band member, namely, Jared Augustine, who makes it quite clear he has a thing for her.
 But when she stumbles upon writer’s block for the next album, an unexpected offer of help is extended from a simple guitar-wielding individual she had bumped into a couple months before. This young man, Axle Garrett, an open-minded follower of Christ with a heart of integrity, proves his worth in the position of a secondary guitarist and backup songwriter, despite their drastic differences. But Sonja’s decision to permit Axle's assistance, forget flipping her world around—it downright takes her from it as she is tossed into a life-changing experience that she never knew she’d have. What’s worse; hatred rises as Jared grows increasingly envious of Axle.

 It's got something for everyone in it, really, but the moral of the story is how the band is changed by the incomprehensible actions done through Axle. Depending on who you are, you may or may not like it, but personally I've always wanted to write something like this and I'm quite intrigued by where it's going.

(Un)word Of The Day:
Characterized by integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness: The state of being whole and undivided: "territorial integrity".
(I was thinking about this when I typed out the summary. I dunno about you, but I sure think that integritous should be a word if there's nothing else like it...)

That's it! Until next time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The Dawnwolf is back in stock with the second edition on its way!
The first edition will only be on Amazon and CreateSpace, but the second edition will soon be released to bookstores and libraries before the end of next month.

Thanks for your patience!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Truth About Self-Editing

Just recently got the corrected manuscript from my editor and plan to read it over soon. However, thanks to my free version of Microsoft Word 2010 I can't edit the comments and therefore can't manually fix my errors, so she offered to fix them for me if I tell her what I do and do not want to keep or leave.
Honestly, while I missed a lot of things and messed up kind of bad in some areas, I'm still impressed with myself... in the most humble way possible, of course. It's an accomplishment, right? Readers are still enjoying it. I've gotten three good reviews on the Amazon page, if you've noticed, and if you're one of the reviewers, thank you! Rest assured corrections will be made in the upcoming Second Edition. As a bonus, I'll add a behind-the-scenes summary at the back of the book, and for those of you who have the drafty-yet-still-moderately-awesome first edition, email me, and I'll send it to you. Hold your horses, though, because I haven't even written it yet!
I'm looking forward to the second edition because it'll be a load of my mind, and also, that will be the version you'll see in some libraries, bookstores, and of course, on Kindle, even though the formatting stinks, but hey, people be a-requestin' for them digital copies!

Anyway, on a more serious note, like I may have said before, you shouldn't always do what Wolfie does. Here's a writing tip: don't edit the whole novel by yourself! To some extent there are some things you should do in the editing field, like personal corrections to the plot and stuff and anything that you do happen to find, but if you decide to do the big job, don't rush, and don't expect to get all of the mistakes and errors and whatnot cleaned up by yourself. Get another person. Even if they're not a big-boss editor in a business suit, grab a willing friend who isn't a blind fanatic or too afraid to state their opinion/critique... or the opposite; waaaaaay too willing and downright rude. That wouldn't be a friend, right? Sure hope not.
Just find a trusted friend to read it and tell you what went wrong and what they do and don't like, even if they don't fix it for you. See, you can do the editing, but don't try all the finding like I did. As you can see, I messed up! I did it all myself and after all my hard work I kicked it out the door... it was well received, sure, and I'm happy about that, but the errors are still there!
Bottom line? Don't do it yourself-- it's not a good idea. Also, not even your friends will necessarily find everything either but they'll see more than you do since you're used to reading your novel the way you wrote it and often become desensitized to any mistakes. Happened to me, and others.
Also, like I said before, you should still do some stuff yourself. Like, my editor didn't notice that I had accidentally cut something out of a sentence. After you jot down what your homies want you to fix, tackle the manuscript little by little and clean it up. Take it real easy, don't rush. Take frequent breaks, too, but don't slack off the job!

We all learn from all kinds of mistakes. I know, this is only my debut novel, but considering what all went into it, and all the good reviews and compliments I'm getting from it, I'm pleased with the results... well except for the mess-ups, but I learned from it, anyhow, and that makes me happy. After all, even those big-boss editors in the suits slip up and miss things, too! I've seen it in bestsellers but fans don't seem to like it any less.
Keep at it, writers!

P.S. My plans for the 2012 NaNoWriMo might be changing... again. Stay tuned.

Word Of The Day
1. A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.
2. A wavelike form, outline, or appearance.
3. One of a series of waves or wavelike segments.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Dawnwolf Second Edition

Found out just yesterday that there were more mistakes in The Dawnwolf than I was aware of. However, with the help of my new editor, you should be expecting a Second Edition coming soon!
Keep your eyes peeled. I'll update here and on Facebook in the meantime.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Writer's Paranoia

Have you gotten your copy of my novel? Amazon seems to be working pretty quick.
If "The Dawnwolf" has any mistakes in its pages I am going to be very, very annoyed. I scoured the manuscript page for page and it had better be error-bug free! I am certain I squashed them all... but one can't help but get a tad paranoid at times. I've had all kinds of writer's paranoia since the moment after I officially published that little booger and kicked it out the door.
Even so I'm certain I did a good job. I'm seeing new flaws in it now, but every novel has its flaws. I kind of wish I saw them earlier so I could fix them, but for all I know, you might not even notice. I did my best!
We as the creators of art have a tendency to see more flaws than those outside of us who are viewing it. Critics, however, see a million more! You have the honor of criticizing my work, but probably most of what you say, if true, I probably already know or just found out. But it happens!
I'm kicking my writer's paranoia out the door and I just hope you all enjoy my personal masterpiece, my debut novel, and all of it's great gloriousness... you know, all of that good junk. :)
Look forward to further novels from me. After all, I still have the "Lirin Bahonan" series to work on, the development of "Noctivagous", and so many others.
Currently I've been writing a novella, the new "Midori Ookami", about Midori, a green wolf who was abandoned as a cub and went to live and grow up in a village by himself, but when he meets Tayou, an exiled princess of fairies, who tells him there is trouble in the land, he realized he must step out of his comfort zone and leave the village, which is all he's ever known, to investigate matters.

Just for kicks. I don't know what I'll do with it after it's done, but it'd pretty fun to write, anyway.
That said, I finally present to you another word of the day!

Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.


Friday, June 29, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" is Out!

Lo and behold! After about 8 months of arduous toil, my debut novel has been released!
You can only order it in two places right now, but it'll be distributed further in later time, and also put on Kindle.

If you want to be updated on Facebook, like my blog or "The Dawnwolf" page below!

I'll link to these on the sidebar there. Thanks for you patience and support!
Oh, and by the way, I'm back...


Saturday, May 26, 2012


Haven't been posting in the last couple of weeks, but I'm sure we all can understand I've been busy.
My deadline has been creeping up, and my novel has yet to hit the third edit, but at the same time, I'm nearly done. Right afterward, I'll take a nice long break, and then begin the full development of "Noctivagous". Or, perhaps I'll continue writing in one of the drafts I've put on hold. Maybe both.

For the moment, I won't be posting (probably at all) until "The Dawnwolf" is done, which I estimate to be about a month from now. Until then, ciao!

P.S. I hit 60,000 words, but it dropped again, then rose... Who knows what it will rest at in the end?

Edit: The Facebook Like button seems to have vanished so I will attempt to get it fixed ASAP...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Continual Progress In My Week Long Absence

Oops, sorry, I haven't posted in a week! I was away for a little while due to some personal issues I had to attend to but now I'm back to give you a report on my progress.
So! "The Dawnwolf"'s edit is almost done. I had previously taken multiple scenes out of my novel, thus dropping my word count considerably, but now I've reached the point where I have, in fact, surpassed my previous record-- nearly 59,000 so far. In case you didn't know, that's 9k more than it was right after NaNoWriMo. 9k. 9: that's 3 3's, that's 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9! Otherwise known as nine!
Okay, okay; it's not that huge of an accomplishment (and yet it is) so let's be on with it! I won't be crowing until I'm at 60,000...
I'm almost at the point where my new scenes will meet ends with the older scenes which I will correct to align with the plot change. I'm noticing new holes appear in the storyline so I'll go back and patch them as soon as possible.
I'm having some trouble creating a cover image right now... Can't decide on a layout! The deadline is two months away, sure, but I want it out of the way soon.
Bottom line? The second edit is almost finished. Instead of saying I'm on the "second half" I'd say it's more effective to say "last half".
The third and final edit is almost in reach...!

And this year's NaNoWriMo, as you know, I'm writing a brand-new novel-- "Noctivagous". I decided that "ELDENDOR" will most likely be a trilogy for later on. If it interests me, I might do "The Primal Blue" next year, or the one about the Galwyrns.
"Noctivagous" is currently in the development process. I've come up with names for multiple locations in Jadina and a few new characters, but I'm probably only on square 3 out of 10.
That's about it!

Word Of The Day:

1. The action or process of precipitating a substance from a solution.
2. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.

Character Of The Week:

Myra Kamar:
Myra is a 16-year-old female Jadinan who is a little younger in her mind and her appearance.  She has long, straight black hair that extends to her mid-back, roundish facial features, and twilight blue-colored eyes. Despite being a race of the Dark World, her element is Light, and she bends its power at her will. Along with that she carries a pair of daggers on her belt.
She's sweet and friendly, but also a bit naive and often spaces out. She isn't very well educated and therefore has no idea how to behave formally. Even though she's had a hard life from the start and plenty of trauma she always stays optimistic and hopeful for a chance at a better life.
She's the protagonist of "Noctivagous", a novel yet to be written, and also known as the "Girl of Light".


Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Blog Post Titles...

...Quite frankly, they stink. I'm always busy, so I don't even pause to come up with a good title, even if I'm really only giving you a short summary of what I've been up to, so all the post titles are almost exactly the same, and... you can't really tell them apart unless to read them!
So from now on, I will begin giving you better blog post titles! Ones that are better attention-grabbers. Yes, sir. Or ma'am.
I plan on making this blog more exciting for you. I will be brainstorming, even in the middle of editing my novel (which is going great by the way) so that I can make that happen.
I'm having trouble with creating my cover image since CreateSpace has limited me greatly in doing so. I have to customize my own. I might use Gimp... Artweaver works, too, but Paint, it, um... well, I'm not going to say anything about Paint. :D\

That's all. Pardon me, but I currently don't have a Word Of The Day. I may edit this post and put one in later on.


Monday, April 23, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Last Half) + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

Things are going really well right now, with the exception of that teeny little plot problem I've mentioned before that I plan to fix ASAP. I've lost a lot of words due to removing multiple scenes, but with my rewriting that should be filled back in soon, I think.
I definitely like the tragic turn of events rather than the comical, happy-go-lucky "oh-well-our-homestead-got-flattened-let's-party-on" attitude that had. What the heck. XD
I'm still exploring my cover image possibilities, but I need to write a summary for the back... Please give me tips on writing a novel summary if you can!
Okay, here's your Word Of The Day:

Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
Not me. I'm as sweeeet as pie. >:D 

Character Of The Week:

Alphie the Noble and Wise:
Alphie is a peculiar beast indeed. She is quite large, with a furry brown body, a long neck, tufted tail, and the hands, feet and face of a human; almost child-like. She has burgundy eyes and wears bells around her neck, her wrists, ankles and tail, and even as earrings on her long and pointy ears.
She speaks in broken "English", and has a happy, innocent and friendly nature. She is very wise and knowledgeable in the ways of her world. She loves everyone but become shy around some strangers, and while she prefers to hide from humans, she loves their company when they mean well.
She's from the ancient past and appears as a supporting character in the second book of the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The Legend of Tanakosk".

In case you were wondering, I haven't had any good Writing Tips to give you lately, but I will try and find one soon.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit: Back on the Job! + Word Of The Day & Belated Character Of The Week

I'd like a good round of applause, audience. The curtain was closed for some time, but now the performance has been resumed.
Voila-- behold! I overcame the harder, more important writer's block and I'm back on the job! It is ON.
The drawing I've done for the cover image is complete, with the exception of a few touch-ups I may do before uploading it an assembling it. Painting the image was a good idea, but I think I like this better. Painting will be saved for NEXT TIME. Oh, yes; "Noctivagous" will have a creepy painting as the cover image. Yeah, I've decided that "Noctivagous" will be this year's NaNoWriMo novel. It's development has improved, but I will launch into it completely once "The Dawnwolf" is out the door.
Here's a cool fact; the new novel is ever so slightly inspired by the fairytale "Beauty and the Beast" in its own unique way. It's going to be pretty cool, let me tell you.
Well, now that I'm out of the bind, there isn't all that much left to do in this second edit before I move on. I will be, more than likely, sticking with the third person narrative. First person looked too perplexing in the introduction.
Here's your Word Of The Day:

Difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable.

And, forgive me for almost forgetting this week, the Character Of The Week:

Jonah the Rapucal:
Jonah is a rapucal; an odd, feline-reptile-mixed creature with the body and head of a cat and the legs and tail of a lizard. He in particular has a medium-dark brown coat and green legs and tail and a strong, muscular build.
He is heroic and courageous like every hero, but he really is quite a goof. He's serious one moment and joking the next. He an adult and a prized veteran who works at a place called "The Hero Station" which is, as it suggests, an organization of people and creatures considered as "heroes" who display their heroic acts by taking on rescue missions and the like. Often they are summoned to war.
He is, in fact, one of my first characters. He was the protagonist in many of my first stories, such as "Jonah, Friends & Enemies" (It was originally "Jonah, Frends & Enumes" until I was corrected. Please tell me you've already figured out that I was very young when I first wrote these...)


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Another 7-Day Break! (Day 3): The Lowdown

It has been HECTIC around here lately. I'll give you a brief summary:
I'm debating over first and third person in my novel.
The cover image is ALMOST done.
There's a lot more editing to be done than I had originally thought.
I'm giving myself another week to recuperate and study.
And the deadline has been dropped. Expect to see my novel sometime before June 30th.
That is all. Your Word Of The Day is:

1. The naming of a thing or action by a vocal intimation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss
2. The use of words whose sound suggests the sense


Monday, April 9, 2012

7-Day Break! (Day 5): Finally, some progress!

Indeed. I've connected all the dots leading up to the final scenes of my novel, but there's just one problem... Well, two: I still need to figure out how all of this happens. As in, what starts the sequence of events I've already laid out. I have a general idea of what I'm going to do but I have two or three choices to choose from...
That, and how they get past the Dusk Forest again. Still.
That probably didn't a whole lot of sense, so I'll give you the simple version; I'm not done yet, but I'm close. The problem is almost solved.

So! Some progress has been made after all... Even though I've mostly been procrastinating and writing other things... Hee-hee...
But! I've been improving my writing skills in the process. Here's your Word Of The Day:

Joyful enthusiasm

And the Character Of The Week:

Mr. Shay:
 ...I'm just kidding!!!

Almanzo Woods:
Almanzo is a 16-year-old part-Eldorin elf, part-Fawnui. The Eldorin is dominant in his genes, making him "white" rather than "brown". He has sandy-blonde hair that extends down a little past his ribs and long, pointed ears (like his Eldorin elf father), emerald green eyes (like his Fawnui mother) and somewhat sharp facial features.
He is quite an obnoxious young man, full of sass, sarcasm, rude behavior and little to no regard for others. It takes a great effort to soften his lion-like heart.
He bears an unusual mark on his left hand that grants him various abilities, such as the option to transform into a creature that resembles his heart.
He's the protagonist of the novel "ELDENDOR" (A.K.A "ELDENDOR: The Rise of Dagria").


Thursday, April 5, 2012

7-Day Break! (Day 1): The Haps

I'm counting today as the first day of my self-appointed and much-needed break. Last night, I write out (by hand) a few plot-direction concepts. That helped a lot, but I still need to work out what happens before those certain events take place. (And also how Albira and the others get back to Kattiro without going through the Dusk Forest again)
I'll also take this time to decide on Luther's new instrument, the renaming of some places, the cover image, and some studying. I'm studying description some more and character emotion; I'm going to take notes like a normal person rather than just reading it over and expecting it to be glued into my mind first thing.
But yes, woe and alas, the release date may very well be put off once again. Could be mid May, late May, or even early June. Early June, I think not, but it depends. No later than that!
Word Of The Day:

Adj. Belonging to or deriving from heaven.
Noun. 1. Heaven, in particular the highest part of heaven.
           2. The visible heavens; the sky


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Last Half): Plot Holes!

MORE PLOT HOLES... AND WRITER'S BLOCK! You probably know just how irksome and frustrating this is!
That whole chain of events/scenes I mentioned in my previous post are giving me sass, grief, and no kind of relief!
So, let me just vent here a moment:
Either way, my new and old scenes just don't work. There's a huge problem; Mori goes to check up on his family after all this time and there's a tornadic disaster, but I need to get him moving back to the quest without making it too soon or putting it off too long. Both scenes leading up to this have one of these problems.
I could make it so that the twister doesn't come, perhaps, and he just goes and visits and acknowledges the grim conditions everything and everyone is in, but at the same time I don't see a point. However, if I don't make it happen at all, well, it's kind of necessary that I do, let's say, because he can't go the whole journey without at least checking up on the once. But there needs to be something that happens and a darn good reason for it.
I could also just stick to what I'm doing now and  have Mori and his friends take the family to a new place for the time being. Or, I could make the tornado rip up other parts of the field (which would scare Mori when he first arrives into thinking his family befell a terrible fate) but when he checks in, he sees the house is still standing. There are multiple possibilities, but all of them have holes somewhere...

I may have to put off the release date again, I'm afraid, because I need to take a break from this novel so that I can restore my motivation and brainstorm outside of it. There's an earlier problem I need to fix, too, which requires some though.
It's all right; I still have until the end of June. I just figured I'd be completely done by May 1st, but, something's come up, so we'll see.


"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Last Half) + Writing Tip & Word Of The Day

Yesterday, I melted my brain into a puddle and immediately turned it into scrambled eggs-- as disgusting as it sounds.
I had to make a choice between a comical scene or a tragic scene in my novel. The original, comical scene was really, REALLY funny, but the tragic scene I had in mind would really add to the feeling of the story. It was a lot to think about...
Soon, I made up my mind, however; the comical scene leads up to a chain of terribly convenient events, as well a a couple of pointless ones. No feeling; it was almost as if Albira, Mori and Luther were a traveling band of entertainers as oppose to an odd group of three with one goal.
I wanted to add some DRAMA. Well, sort of drama. Not really. Okay, sorry, tragedy... Instead of the house magically standing after the tornado, I'm going to make it damage a lot of the houses and completely collapse it. What then? Where will Mori's sick family live now?
Well, you'll just have to find out, won't you?
At any rate, I'm taking out the comical scenes, putting them in my "Deleted Scenes" document, and replacing them with new ones.
And I really need to hustle with my cover image. I might work on it later today or tonight... I have a painting and a drawing. I'm going to finish both and decide which one I like better and what I'm going to use.

Writing Tip:
I'm quoting something someone said about "Telling" in your writing:
"When our goal is simply to inform, not to persuade or engage, TELLING does the job quite well — particularly if it’s part of an overall strategy."
The same person also said "Show, Don't (Just) Tell". I can agree with that; your whole novel should be engaging, and Showing is what helps with that. However, Showing can also be overdone, and MUST be balanced with Telling. You don't always have to show the character's rage to their full extent; I know I said earlier that you shouldn't just say "So-and-so was angry", but you can still, sometimes, do just that and pull it off. Consider the way you word it; description is required in both Showing and Telling.

I, myself, am still learning on the subject of "Showing and Telling". I find that it's quite important to know, but useless if you don't practice it.
I don't recommend you take all of this particular advice of mine to heart and carry it everywhere you go, as I haven't completely figured it all out myself. But this is "Writing Progress", is it not? Once I dissect the details, I'll share the combination to their full extent.

Word Of The Day:

Affording advantage; beneficial.


Monday, April 2, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Last Half) + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

The date has been confirmed! "The Dawnwolf" will be published May 1st!
I have one more month to get this novel done. I'm so relieved that it's going to be finished soon... I'm on the last half of my second edit, my cover image is nearly done, and everything is in place.
After this, I'm going to either jump back into the "Lirin Bahonan" series or I'm going to continue/start writing one of my old/new ones... "ELDENDOR"... "The Primal Blue"... maybe something about the Galwyrns... or, perhaps, my latest addition to the Crichianadiie collection: "Noctivagous", set in the dark country of Jadina. Brand new characters will be starring in this one.
I need to decide which one I'm going to do for NaNoWriMo this year. All the ones I listed haven't been fully developed, so once I settle for one, I'll see to it that it's storyline is completed. And not in the last three days of October, mind you...
Anyway! I'm pretty excited! I want to get my LCCN Assignment so that I can get it into the library catalog. By doing it through CreateSpace, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to request it before or after I submit my work, so I'll look into it. Also, it's not guaranteed that my novel will be accepted, but... I still want to be considered at least.

Word Of The Day:

Shining at night.

Character Of The Week:

Mr. Shay:
Mr. Shay is an especially stumpy Miniature Schnauzer who goes around walking on his back legs, wearing a plaid vest and, on his own personal special occasions, a black bowler hat.
He carries many bottles and boxes full of suspicious substances that he apparently finds quite handy in his unknown line of work, along with a small scanner-like thing that has infinite uses and capabilities.
He sneaks around, mainly unseen and unheard, and is unbearably mischievous and troublesome. He is terribly obnoxious, nosy, and is quite the busybody. On top of that, he is invincible, though not without a few peculiar weaknesses.
He originated in an old (and very strange) story (of mine) about a world called Dog Earth where canines ruled instead of humans. He was just a side character who gave advice to the protagonist, but in later time, he took off on his own and began his true story elsewhere.




Monday, March 26, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Near the Halfway Mark) + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

I technically have 14 chapters, so that would mean that the halfway mark would be at chapter 7. I just finished editing the first scene in chapter 6 (the longest scene in the novel, I might add) today, so that means I am, indeed, almost there. Just two scenes below 1,000 words to do tomorrow in order to reach the midway point!
So far, there's 57,006 words! HECK, YEAH!
The major changes don't begin until the second half of the book, so I haven't been able to write any new scenes for a while.
I'm really looking forward to getting it formatted into the main manuscript, soon. That's the fun part.
Ah, but that reminds me! My previous release date predictions were accurate; "The Dawnwolf" will be published in early May! I'll be sure and post the direct link to where you find it; Amazon and the CreateSpace website, no doubt. While I won't pester, beg or whine at you to buy it, your purchase would be appreciated! The royalties that go to me won't be spent frivolously. I don't know if I'll get much, anyway, but that's all right. ^_____^
Word Of The Day!:

Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.

And the Character Of The Week:

Pentagore (Lord Shadowfang's Henchman):
Pentagore is a bizarre sort of two-legged monster with clawed feet and bat-like wings branching from his arms. His head is pentagon-shaped, with a darker colored pentagon on it and another the same color as the rest of his head within that. The pentagon at the end of his long tail is identical to his face, only smaller.
His entire body is bright red and dark red, split down the middle, and the colors inside of his wings oppose each other.
He hisses while he talks, has a rather creepy, sneaky, sly and ill-mannered nature. He appears in the past when Lirin uses the Golden Chronicle to take himself to the point where Lord Shadowfang first terrorized Evagren.
While not a major character, Pentagore certainly causes a lot of trouble for the protagonist. Well, not for long; he only lasts a scene or two before his untimely demise.
He's introduced in the second book of the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The Legend of Tanakosk".

Whew, took me forever to come up with a character for this week. Don't know why, if I have so many of them. XP


Friday, March 23, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Near the Halfway Mark) + Word Of The Day & Writing Tip

See! What did I tell you? I promised to get your Writing Tip before the weekend, right?
*cough*... It's Friday... *cough*
You probably expected it sooner, or maybe you knew it wouldn't be... Which is it? Or you can take the middle road; "quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a"...
Carrying on, I'm at chapter five; nearly halfway through. I'm still floating at around 56,800 words since I haven't gotten the chance to add any new scenes, yet.

Here's your Word Of The Day:

The emission of light from living organisms; also : the light so produced 

And finally:

Writing Tip:
Think your novel is getting dull? As you're writing it, are you getting tired of your plot?
Consider subplots. Already have them? Is it still boring? Consider plot twists! If its still boring by then, well, I'd love to know how and why. It's probably your characters, no offense. They might take themselves a little too seriously.
Back to plot twists; they should come naturally if you're good at pulling them off, or, if you developed the story before you wrote it (most people do, but some don't). Are you new to writing? Do you know what a plot twist is?
It's a change in the expected direction or outcome of the plot. Sometimes you can predict it, but the best plot twists are when they come as a complete shock. They're always the best, and also help you to get out of writer's block sometimes, too!
Plots twists add, well, a twist, to you novel, but it adds more excitement for the reader. Try it!


Monday, March 19, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

56,889 words and I'm halfway through chapter four, just before the scene where Mori meets Luther. I'm thinking of changing Luther's personal instrument, but I have to decide what fits best and won't change the way of the story, since, not revealing any spoilers, I forgot that banjo's in their kind of time didn't have metal strings. *Slaps self* Duh!
Carrying on, I changed Adolphus Hoksune's name to Elgar Hoksune instead.
I also FINALLY got my white paint (round of applause, everyone?) and I've been working on the cover image already. It's nearly finished, I think, but before I make my final decision, I'm going to have a second option to this one, since my current on I messed up on so Albira's coat is tinged pink instead of snow-white. So quickly did I forget that the main part of her fur wasn't pink... *storm cloud*
At least this paint is opaque and can cover up solid colors easier than regular watercolors... But she's still tinged pink. I guess that if it doesn't completely cover up, I can go and edit it on the computer to make it white. I'm going to have to do it anyway, after all, because I may cut out the background; I messed it up. Arrghh... I'm still a bit new to painting, which isn't to say I'm not good at it, though.

Ah, yes, and your Writing Tip, I promise I will give you a new one this week. Before Sunday. Hopefully. For now, your Word Of The Day is:

Disposition to do good.

Simple as that. Love that word. In case you didn't know, it's the antonym of "Malevolence". Muhahahaha. That makes two words of the day. Happy now?
Here's your Character Of The Week:

Bella the Albino Laghathian Wolf:
Bella is a massive white wolf with somewhat of a wiry coat and a long mane. She has bright pink eyes that have upward-curled black markings lining the lids, and always has the look like she's smiling.
She's of a gentle and motherly nature and has a kind heart and a good sense of humor. It's easy to make this old wolf laugh (because she, unlike most wolves, can. XD).
She had been one of Anastasia Highlands guardians when the girl found herself lost in a massive winter wonderland (very similar to Lirin finding himself stranded on an island and being cared for by Lukamakari).
Originally, she had been one of the Five Royal Wolves in the old "Lirin Bahonan" series, but in this new one, she's been taken out due to her irrelevance in the storyline.
And the fact her name is Bella... Bella Swan... Cullen... whatever you call the chick...

Ahem. So that's that. Oh, and I've been coming up with two new characters! They ain't friendly people, mind... BE SCARED.


Monday, March 12, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

Breakthrough! I had gotten stuck in chapter two because I was trying to figure out how Mori was going to find out that the Dawnwolf's name was Albira (since she doesn't talk; therefore she can't simply introduce herself like Bain or Timber in the "Lirin Bahonan" series), but then I decided to state in the beginning that everyone knew it at once time, but in the present day, very few did. Mori's one of them, only because the name was passed down and remembered by his ancestors.
That's the gist of it! One less problem I have to think about.
I might be done with chapter two today if I go ahead and clean up the last half of this scene and the last two scenes. I won't push it too hard, since I have to finish writing an article on editing soon, because the deadline is on Wednesday! It had completely slipped my mind!
No worries, though; I already wrote it out. All I have to do is finish editing it, and then send it in. It's cool.

Now for your Word Of The Day!

Marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display.
(*Cough, cough* Lenora Midnight... *cough, cough*)

Character Of The Week...

Lord Shadowfang (The Ragebeast):
Lord Shadowfang is a massive, dark, menacing dragon with coal-black scales and long, spiny spikes that cluster on his head and run down his back to the end of his spade-tipped tail. His eyes are glowing and blood red, much like the crisscrossing star-like markings on both shoulders, which pulsate with his head beat, and his claws and lips.
He has a terrible temper and is very violent; merciless to his foes. Being the very embodiment of a horrible power called Rage, he is prone to rampages and constantly plots to take over Evagren and to wipe out the Bahonan bloodline that began with the man who sealed him away long ago.
He's the main antagonist of the first two "Lirin Bahonan" books.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit + Word Of The Day & Writing Tip

Once again, you must excuse my tardiness; I began the second edit of "The Dawnwolf" at the start of this month, though I was somewhat delayed by a week due to some unexpected symptoms... But! I'm fine now. It wasn't anything serious.
Moving right along, I've made excellent progress in this second edit! I may have only just worked through chapter one so far, but I accumulated around 2,000 words after adding and removing scenes!
Back in November, when I had met my word count goal, it was only 50,004 words. However, after the first edit and during this second one, it reached 56,497 (which reminds me; I should edit that word count box on the side bar there).
Thirteen chapters still remain before the second edit is complete, but I still have time to get it all done before the end of June. I've already proceeded to chapter two, and I do believe I'm about halfway done. I might even be finished with it today.
I personally thought the second edit was going to be the biggest pain in the behind I had ever experienced, but since I'm adding in newly-written scenes, it's actually a lot more fun.
 But, man, am I looking forward to getting this project finished...
 Here's your Word Of The Day:

Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen / Of or relating to perception or understanding.

Writing Tip:
Do you have a great novel idea with plot, characters, goal, conflict and everything, with the exception of a title? Trust me, I know the feeling, and it happens to a lot of people.
My suggestions is that you stop once in a while to give yourself a good few moments to sit and mull it over. Type or write down all the possible names that may come to mind. Even just a single word can title your novel, but creativity and imagination is still required. One the main things about titling your novel is that it's got to grab the reader's attention.
So, here's another suggestion: Think about the centerpiece of the story. Is it a character, a place, a business, etc.? Notice how my current novel is called "The Dawnwolf". While Albira the Dawnwolf is not the main character, she's one of the most important ones, and the center point of the story.
The possibilities are endless, so despair not! See what you can do with this tip.


Monday, February 27, 2012

3 Days + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

Hey, hope you've had enough older posts to keep you busy in my absence! Still with me? Trust me, I won't post if I don't have anything to say.
What I will say is that I start back up with my editing in just 3 days! Since I've been reading a lot of important writing books, I'd say that I'm good and ready to kick things back into action. In these last few days, as well as throughout next month, I'll continue reading. After all, how can I not share it with you?

Here's your Word Of The Day:

The reestablishing of cordial relations.

Not to be mistaken with Reconnaissance. (I jest!)

Character Of The Week:

Mr. Shay:
Mr. Shay is an especially stumpy Miniature Schnauzer who goes around walking on his back legs, wearing a plaid vest and, on his own personal special occasions, a black bowler hat.
He carries many bottles and boxes full of suspicious substances that he apparently finds quite handy in his unknown line of work, along with a small scanner-like thing that has infinite uses and capabilities.
He sneaks around, mainly unseen and unheard, and is unbearably mischievous and troublesome. He is terribly obnoxious, nosy, and is quite the busybody. On top of that, he is invincible, though not without a few peculiar weaknesses.
He originated in an old (and very strange) story (of mine) about a world called Dog Earth where canines ruled instead of humans. He was just a side character who gave advice to the protagonist, but in later time, he took off on his own and began his true story elsewhere.

 Lately these days, I'm not entirely convinced that Mr. Shay is just fictional. O_o


Monday, February 20, 2012

Haven't Budged... + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

Still haven't budged with my editing... Maybe I'll keep waiting, until, say, March 1st. :D
Here's the Word Of The Day:

Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

And your Character Of The Week:

Albira the Dawnwolf
Albira is an exceptionally undersized wolf who hails from Tanakosk. She has a snow-white coat decorated with pink and gold splotches and smudges all over, and her eyes, too, are gold.
She's kind, friendly and quite outgoing, not to mention happy-go-lucky. She is usually gentle, but can be fierce when defending what or who she loves, such as threatened livestock or humans.
She doesn't talk, but is expressive in her natural wolfish ways. However, she also displays some some peculiar, human-like behavior that she picked up from being around them all the time. She is above the average intelligence, but is not much of a genius.
She is a protector of the land, rising at dawn and departing somewhere unknown when late twilight falls.
Albira is the deuteragonist of the (my) novel, "The Dawnwolf", the constant companion of the protagonist.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Editing "The Dawnwolf" + Word Of The Day & Writing Tip

I plan to pick up the editing again for my novel either today or tomorrow. I think I'm about ready to hit it!
I'm going to continue reading up on description and emotion in order to up my skills, but I think I've learned enough to keep me going for the second edit.

With that said, here's your Word Of The Day:

Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors/Brilliant, lustrous, or colorful in effect or appearance.

Writing Tip: 
Ever heard of the term "Show, Don't Tell"?
When writing, I've learned that you shouldn't just say that "So-And-So was angry" or "So-And-So was worried". Instead of telling your reader how the character feels, you should show them. For an example, if your character is angry, you should express it through dialogue and body language. Depending on the character's level of anger as well as their personality, they could be shouting, bellowing, growling or just being sharp and terse, and they'd likely be clenching their fists/teeth, shaking, glaring, biting their lip, etc..
Same goes for every other emotion. Express it!
Body language is what normally shows the feeling of worry in particular; the character might be wringing their hands, wrinkling their brow, chewing/nibbling their lip, and so on. The possibilities are endless, so why not explore?
When you exercise this in description, it's important to help your readers fully experience the story through the five senses; see, smell, hear, touch/feel, and taste.
Too often people use sight only. Make sure you're expressive in what (or even how) the character feels, hears, smells, and tastes. But it's not always the character who tastes or smells something, but, for an example: "The gentle breeze carried the aroma of roses through the clean air". When you read that, you can see that it's something that can be "smelled", rather than just saying "So-And-So smelled roses".
With the rest of the senses, these general suggestions continue to apply.
As one last thing, let me say something about sight; again, be descriptive. Don't just say "So-And-So saw a dog"; describe it! Even a dog can help to give the reader a vision of the environment itself, whether it be a shaggy, dirty dog or a fluffy, well-groomed one. That's just an example-- see what else you can use, but don't overdo it.

Edit: This isn't to say that you shouldn't use telling at all. Telling is quite important in itself, as long as you pick the right words. While many do say "Show, Don't Tell", yes, it's really more of a guideline than a rule. I suggest you use both showing and telling in a balanced manner.
This writing tip is based mainly on character expression, so I will shine more light on other ways you can use it, like when describing a character and a place. Keep yourself updated and the rest will come up soon!

This, I noticed, doesn't just apply to novels, but to a lot of other kinds of writing. If you already knew this, I hope this gives you a slight reminder to help keep your creativity flowing.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Editing "The Dawnwolf" + Character Of The Week & Word Of The Day

Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while-- I've been taking a much-needed small break from editing my novel, you see. If you're editing one of your own right now, I highly recommend that you take breaks yourself.
So far, I've redone the first, introductory scene in "The Dawnwolf". It flows much easier than the first one, I'll have you know, but I'll still go over it again later.
I'm still trying to find a name to replace my antagonist's slapped-on, out-of-place name-- no offense to you if your name happens to be Adolphus! If it is, well, you just won an award.
Moving on, there are some other interesting changes that I plan to make, such as some character conflict that wasn't there before, and some changes in the character's personalities and manner of speech.
The description and emotion in the book could use some work as well.
I'll probably pick back up in a week, so you won't hear much from me in the meantime. I'll try to post more writing tips and words consistently until something good comes up!

With that out of the way, here's your new Character Of The Week!
Who is, in fact:

Zard is an elf sorcerer from the Dark World of Jadina. He was a main villain in (my) MUCH older stories, but never surfaced in a real novel. He has light purple-tinged skin, dark, shoulder-length purple hair, and red eyes.
He has a mild nature, oddly enough, but on the contrary, has a rather savage and vicious side. He's also terribly emotional.
He excels greatly in magic, so if he's unpredictable whether you'll be burned to a crisp or frozen to death upon distressing him...

Okay, that was unexpected... Here's your Word Of The Day:

The act of giving thanks.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Editing "The Dawnwolf" + Word Of The Day

As I continue the first edit of "The Dawnwolf" from the beginning to the middle, I'm changing the names of my characters as well. I had changed Ven's name to Vern, but I'm going to make him Ven again.
Since this is Tanakosk, in a different world entirely, I'm not concerned about the names being so, for lack of a better word, random.
I'm changing Adolphus' name since it's too unusual and might cause some problems... I have yet to decide what it should be, though...
When I think about it, Adolphus is the only one who needs his name changed. I'd totally have to change everyone's name if they lived on Earth, but since this is my world, it's no big deal.
If I have a specific theme I'm going for, I'll make the names go with to it, whether they be real or made up. Who knows if "Anastasia" could mean something completely different in Evagren than somewhere on Earth? ...Me, that's who! For all you know, the Evarans might even pronounce it differently... >:D
Anyway, that's besides the point. I need to change the Antagonist of "The Dawnwolf"'s name...
Here's your Word Of The Day:

Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Editing "The Dawnwolf" + Character Of The Week & Word Of The Day

I've basically completed the first edit of "The Dawnwolf". By "basically", I mean I've gone over all the scenes in the project, but I need to go back over the first half again and fix some extra errors before I can call it done.
And then I'll have the second edit... The real deal, I'd imagine, but one of the most satisfying "stages" of editing. I'll cover more description, emotion, action and more, and as stated before, I'll be changing some scenes, taking some out, and putting some in. After this first edit, I really think this story is lacking something... I'm sure I'll find out what it is in due time.

That said, I have your Character Of The Week, as promised!
This week's character is:

Kikki (Kikean, Ancient of Emotion)
Kikki is one of the Ancients who hold power over every element in Planet Crichianadiie. She is one who holds power over Emotion. She resembles something close to a tan-colored squirrel and a fox both, and the maroon aura that glows around her changes color with her own emotions. She's spunky, sassy and quite often bad-tempered, and refuses to be called by her actual name, thus forcing people to call her "Kikki".
In the "Lirin Bahonan" series, she's one of the protagonist's main companions.

And finally, your Word Of The Day:

A preliminary survey to gain information; esp. an exploratory military survey of enemy territory.
