Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Blog Post Titles...

...Quite frankly, they stink. I'm always busy, so I don't even pause to come up with a good title, even if I'm really only giving you a short summary of what I've been up to, so all the post titles are almost exactly the same, and... you can't really tell them apart unless to read them!
So from now on, I will begin giving you better blog post titles! Ones that are better attention-grabbers. Yes, sir. Or ma'am.
I plan on making this blog more exciting for you. I will be brainstorming, even in the middle of editing my novel (which is going great by the way) so that I can make that happen.
I'm having trouble with creating my cover image since CreateSpace has limited me greatly in doing so. I have to customize my own. I might use Gimp... Artweaver works, too, but Paint, it, um... well, I'm not going to say anything about Paint. :D\

That's all. Pardon me, but I currently don't have a Word Of The Day. I may edit this post and put one in later on.


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