Monday, April 23, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit (Last Half) + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

Things are going really well right now, with the exception of that teeny little plot problem I've mentioned before that I plan to fix ASAP. I've lost a lot of words due to removing multiple scenes, but with my rewriting that should be filled back in soon, I think.
I definitely like the tragic turn of events rather than the comical, happy-go-lucky "oh-well-our-homestead-got-flattened-let's-party-on" attitude that had. What the heck. XD
I'm still exploring my cover image possibilities, but I need to write a summary for the back... Please give me tips on writing a novel summary if you can!
Okay, here's your Word Of The Day:

Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
Not me. I'm as sweeeet as pie. >:D 

Character Of The Week:

Alphie the Noble and Wise:
Alphie is a peculiar beast indeed. She is quite large, with a furry brown body, a long neck, tufted tail, and the hands, feet and face of a human; almost child-like. She has burgundy eyes and wears bells around her neck, her wrists, ankles and tail, and even as earrings on her long and pointy ears.
She speaks in broken "English", and has a happy, innocent and friendly nature. She is very wise and knowledgeable in the ways of her world. She loves everyone but become shy around some strangers, and while she prefers to hide from humans, she loves their company when they mean well.
She's from the ancient past and appears as a supporting character in the second book of the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The Legend of Tanakosk".

In case you were wondering, I haven't had any good Writing Tips to give you lately, but I will try and find one soon.


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