Monday, March 19, 2012

"The Dawnwolf" Second Edit + Word Of The Day & Character Of The Week

56,889 words and I'm halfway through chapter four, just before the scene where Mori meets Luther. I'm thinking of changing Luther's personal instrument, but I have to decide what fits best and won't change the way of the story, since, not revealing any spoilers, I forgot that banjo's in their kind of time didn't have metal strings. *Slaps self* Duh!
Carrying on, I changed Adolphus Hoksune's name to Elgar Hoksune instead.
I also FINALLY got my white paint (round of applause, everyone?) and I've been working on the cover image already. It's nearly finished, I think, but before I make my final decision, I'm going to have a second option to this one, since my current on I messed up on so Albira's coat is tinged pink instead of snow-white. So quickly did I forget that the main part of her fur wasn't pink... *storm cloud*
At least this paint is opaque and can cover up solid colors easier than regular watercolors... But she's still tinged pink. I guess that if it doesn't completely cover up, I can go and edit it on the computer to make it white. I'm going to have to do it anyway, after all, because I may cut out the background; I messed it up. Arrghh... I'm still a bit new to painting, which isn't to say I'm not good at it, though.

Ah, yes, and your Writing Tip, I promise I will give you a new one this week. Before Sunday. Hopefully. For now, your Word Of The Day is:

Disposition to do good.

Simple as that. Love that word. In case you didn't know, it's the antonym of "Malevolence". Muhahahaha. That makes two words of the day. Happy now?
Here's your Character Of The Week:

Bella the Albino Laghathian Wolf:
Bella is a massive white wolf with somewhat of a wiry coat and a long mane. She has bright pink eyes that have upward-curled black markings lining the lids, and always has the look like she's smiling.
She's of a gentle and motherly nature and has a kind heart and a good sense of humor. It's easy to make this old wolf laugh (because she, unlike most wolves, can. XD).
She had been one of Anastasia Highlands guardians when the girl found herself lost in a massive winter wonderland (very similar to Lirin finding himself stranded on an island and being cared for by Lukamakari).
Originally, she had been one of the Five Royal Wolves in the old "Lirin Bahonan" series, but in this new one, she's been taken out due to her irrelevance in the storyline.
And the fact her name is Bella... Bella Swan... Cullen... whatever you call the chick...

Ahem. So that's that. Oh, and I've been coming up with two new characters! They ain't friendly people, mind... BE SCARED.



  1. As for the banjo replacement, if you'd still like to keep it a string instrument, might I suggest a lute? (Although they might have metal strings as well...) Or, you could always do a harp. I trust you to find your way around it! Good luck!

  2. A harp is considerable, too, but I think I like something along the lines of a lute, yes. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!
    My last resort would probably be a fiddle. :P


  3. That too...Well, I'm glad I could help! Have a nice remainder of the day!
