Friday, February 3, 2012

Word Of The Day & Writing Tip

Nothing new to report at this present time, so I'll cut right to your Word Of The Day:

Wrong; incorrect. (Sometimes "Mistaken")

Writing Tip:
Beware of putting in too many characters in your story! It's mutually difficult for both the writer and the reader to keep track of too many. When you create characters and place them in the story, they should all have their own purposes, roles, and goals. Don't drag "cool" characters around in your story if they don't have a reason to be there!
It's important that you put in as little or as many as you really need. There's a difference between "a lot" and "too many", as you and I should very well know. Some come and go, while others stay, but the number doesn't matter as long as you make it so that both you and the reader can keep track, and again, that your characters all have their own roles to play. If you do have a lot, depending on that you're doing, I suggest alternating between two separate parties throughout the course of the story if its too much to cram them all together in one place, and remember; not all of them are major characters. Some who persist in the storyline should be minor like their roles.


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