Thursday, October 27, 2011

Two down... (LB:LT)

... Three more to go!
Yes, you'd better believe it! I've finished the second book in the "Lirin Bahonan" series, with a score of 67,000 words! It's about 5,000 words less than the first book, which was obviously, if you can count, 72,000 words.
But, as you've heard me say time and time again, it's not really, actually finished. The first draft is; the storyline is. There are a few holes and a mass of typos and grammatical errors that I'll fix when the time comes. I can edit/revise anytime, but I don't want lose sight of the other novel ideas, so I'd best write them all up while I can. Then again, these ideas aren't something I can easily forget, so I guess I really am just putting off work...

Anyhoo, I'm writing third book in the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The War of the Mask", right away, but I'll break from it during NaNoWriMo, duh.
Further details come later, but spoiler-free, guaranteed!

...If you're curious, I'd say it took me about 2-3 months to write "LN:LT", excluding some of the slack-off days. Some. I think.



  1. But even though you slightly slacked off, you did finish the novel in good time! Nice job! For NaNoWrimo, do you plan on continuing this series or are you going to write about something completely unrelated to wolves? ;)

  2. Ha, was that sarcasm? XD
    I was planning on writing Midori Ookami, but I've had a last-minute change of heart. Details will be posted momentarily.

