Friday, May 6, 2011

LB:RR (Re-Write): Bain, the Bane of Lirin's Existence

Sorry for the lame pun. XP
Yes, you might remember that I'm rewriting the "Lirin Bahonan" series yet again, properly, this time, since Lirin has finally stopped dancing around and changing his past. Alongside "Feng Song", too, which I haven't done much with yet aside from the introduction and beginning of chapter one.

Today, our featured character is Bain!
Bain is rather grumpy and aloof, and very rarely shows any kind of emotion, and if he does, it's likely anger.
Bain is also a Riksha wolf, a type of wolf who's appearance consists of a black coat with white swirling markings all over, and gray-blue eyes.
(Female Riksha wolves, on the other hand, are 'inverted', so to speak. They're white with black swirling markings and orange eyes! Way cooler. XD)
However, Bain wasn't-- Oh, darn, did I ever tell you before? It's spoilers-- I'll stop.
So, yes, where was I? Right! So, Bain is the grumpy, aloof, muscular Riksha wolf who shows up in Lirin's home village the morning after Spring's Celebration and is instantly pursued by several villagers, including Vallin, Lirin's brother, who are all armed with rifles.
When Arvun Rokok, Lirin's 'rival', to so speak, tells Lirin he's going to go looking for the wolf and kill it himself to be a 'hero', Lirin knows he can't stop him and decides to come along to keep an eye on him.
The two find the Riksha wolf in a large clearing, and he gives them a long-winded introduction, in short, introducing himself as Bain. He claims that he is here on behalf of "Lady Lenora Midnight"'s request so that Lirin is to be informed of a certain calamitous matter at hand.
It is then that Lirin is shown Evagren's future; bleak and withering and overcast with shadow, and Bain also claims that he is the cause, and the only way to prevent the disaster is either that he, Lirin, dies, or he makes a pact with Lady Lenora Midnight.
Lirin, after much hesitance and uncertainty, accepts to make a pact with Lenora. When Bain leaves, Vallin finds Lirin and gives him a talking to, and Lirin is pretty much grounded.
After slipping out of the house at midnight, however, Lirin meets Lenora. After a confusing exchange of words, the forest catches fire, and everyone is forced out.
It's soon that Lirin is taken in by Lenora and Bain, and befalls the horrific fate of wielding the Mask, the dreaded curse of Lord Shadowfang and Lady Lenora's dark magic...

...Also note that later on, in the third book, Bain attacks Lirin (and kills him) to steal the Mask back, for it turns out he originally wanted it for himself for some personal reason. Lirin, although he makes a grand return, is pretty P.O.'d about it since on one hand, technically he didn't want it and would have gladly just handed it over, but on the other hand, this causes another problem for him to solve, and he still needs it...
It was mostly Bain who dragged Lirin into a lot of disaster. Thus giving him the fake title: "Bain, the Bane of Lirin's Existence".
LOL. Lame pun. It just popped into my head...


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