Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Path over a Bog

"This path... every step is different along the way. Some of it is fairly firm ground, some of it is thick mud that my feet nearly become permanently stuck in...
What a nuisance be this path, but I will get to the end at some point.
But this does remind me of the similarities between this path and life itself. Some days you're walking along perfectly, and others, you drag; you're very sluggish, or find yourself unable to move at all...
But when a new day comes, more than likely, you're on your way again. When you reach the end of the path, that's the end of your life as well.
But that is just a thought on life. I am almost to the end of this path over a bog, but my life is nowhere near it's end..."  - Lirin Bahonan

So, you wonder... how muddy are your feet going to be at the end of your path? I should hope that they are barely, or better, not at all...

Jeez, I didn't know Lirin had capabilities of saying something so thoughtful...! Than again, he was probably bored near tears on that long path full of mosquitoes....

Uh... anyway.
That's a quote from him in either book two of five. I don't remember. I think it was originally from book three, but events got switched around to make more sense.



  1. I take it Lirin isn't wordy? I want to read your book SOOOO bad, can't wait.


  2. Oh, Hi, Meco! Didn't know you had a blog...
    Nope, he isn't...
    Thanks! It seems that a lot of people I know are dying to read it. It's... a 1ittle scary! 8D
