I'll be releasing it on Kindle soon once I finish setting up my account info later on, and then extend the distribution to bookstores and libraries. Now, here's the thing; it won't just pop up into the store overnight, or even in a week. It has to be requested, I do believe. Not sure how that's done, but if you do, I'll let you know when I extend the distribution, and I'm sure you could request it. That, or I'd much appreciate it if you'd help me figure out how to do it myself if I can! I'm a noob writer. Enough experience in writing, but not in publication, promotion, and the like...you understand, right? Good! Thanks muchly!
Here, I'll give you the links here anyway:
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*UPDATE: The Dawnwolf is now available on Kindle, too! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AUXUW6E