Monday, December 19, 2011

Heads Up!

I'm still working on the third book in the "Lirin Bahonan" series, "The War of the Mask", and it's still only at around 11,000 words or so. Maybe more.
But I just wanna give you the heads up... there won't be any more books after this one. Sorry...


...Heeheehee. If that gave you a sinking feeling, then I'm sincerely flattered. I'M ONLY JOKING. I'm not nearly done yet!
In fact, I actually wanted to give you the heads up that you might be expecting a spinoff series from this one and it's gonna be just as epic, if you don't mind my saying!
I won't announce any more details until the final book of this series has been finished, but here's a hint that'll keep you at the edge of your seat; the main character won't be Lirin Bahonan. Ooooooh...

Also, I'm going to begin editing "The Dawnwolf" staring January of next year, I think. 
Hold onto your socks, people!
